Friends and Projects
A resource guide to some of the great projects, places and people in the growing field of contemplative care & mindfulness and compassion in action.
It does take a village to foster change.
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The Spiritual Care ProGramme
Changing the way we care
The Spiritual Care Programme - Changing the way we care
An international network that offers non-denominational, contemplative-based workshops, training and online courses. Its aim: for people from all walks of life to discover their own inner resources for well-being and wholeness. Over the past twenty-five years, it has trained more than 40,000 professional and family caregivers worldwide.
Authentic Presence
A Certificate in Contemplative End-of-Life Care
An in-depth training in the art of being authentically and compassionately present for seriously ill and dying patients. The certificate consists of three modules: two 8-week online courses and a residential skills training offered in the US and Ireland.
The NetherlanDS:
Training en support voor zorgverleners en anderen die te maken hebben met verlies, ziekte en sterven. Al meer dan 25 jaar ervaring in training op het gebied van spirituele zorgvaardigheden, meditatie en compassietraining.
Awareness Centred Deep Listening Training
Training in deep listening for those who wish to develop more effective listening skills. It is is based on the method of Awareness Centred Deep Listening Training (ACDLT®), which is resourced by the natural awareness at the core of our being.
The Spiritual Care Centre at Dzogchen Beara
The centre sits high on cliffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean with breathtaking views of sea and sky. It offers retreats, workshops and professional training as well as personal support to those facing long-term or life-limiting illness, living with disability, or suffering from grief, stress or burnout.
Sukhavati Spritual Care Centre
Sukhavati ist das erste buddhistische Zentrum für Spiritual Care in Deutschland – ein Haus des Lebens und der Gemeinschaft, ein Ort der Stille und der inneren Einkehr.
New MexicO:
Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico offers daily Zen meditation, weekly dharma talks, and programs on Buddhist teachings, art, neuroscience, and social engagement.
New York Center for Contemplative Care
The New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care delivers contemplative approaches to care through education, direct service, and meditation practice.
San Francisco Bay AreA: METTA INSTITUTE
Metta Institute provides education on spirituality in dying. It was formed in 2004 as an outgrowth of the Zen Hospice Project (ZHP), nationally recognized as a pioneering model in the movement to improve end-of life care.
End-of-Life University
Real talk about life and death
Launched by Karen Wyatt, MD, it offers free podcasts and more.
Medicina del dolor y Cuidados Paliativos
Buenos Aires/ El equipo de internación domiciliaria y en nuestra casa de Cuidados Paliativos (hospice) ofrecemos confort, compasión y dignidad para aquellas personas que tienen enfermedades que amenazan la vida.
Quality of Life Care
Founded by nurse and doula, Deanna Cochran. It offers a wealth of resources to doulas, midwives to the dying.