Kirsten DeLeo

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More than three years ago, I ventured out on the journey of writing this book. It all started with the idea of doing a booklet for friends and students in my courses. A small guide that, like a wise friend, has your back and you can share with others to help them through challenging times.

Well, the booklet grew into something much bigger…

Present Through The End is still pocket size so you can carry it with you: getting ready for making the first call to a friend who has just been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, or while waiting in a doctor’s office. You’ll find conversation starters, ‘on the spot’ tools to help you handle emotions and practical information to navigate the times ahead.

It’s a book you can give to a family member, friend, co-worker or neighbor. Or, explore in your support group, or local death cafe.

The book is written in the style of “heart advice”—practical, pithy, down-to-earth guidance for real-life situations. The ‘on the spot tools’ include short meditations and reflections inspired by the Buddhist tradition. They have helped me stay present, and my colleagues and I in the Spiritual Care Programme and Authentic Presence have shared them with thousands of caregivers around the world.

People have asked me, “Isn’t writing difficult?”. Like with everything in life, there were certainly frustrating and challenging patches, but taking time to put words onto paper (or more accurately onto the screen) pushed me to reflect more deeply. On the nature of presence, love, caring and the magical beauty of being alive while knowing I am mortal and those I love and care for too. Writing, like dying, is by nature a solitary experience. The process, however, wasn’t. I had many companions walking alongside me and who inspired and pushed me to learn and grow. Thank you!

Caring for dying people is both ordinary and extraordinary. If your parent, friend or neighbor is at the threshold of life and death and you are at the loss of what to do or say, just be there. You are all that is needed. And yes, there are things useful to be aware of and tools to help you along the journey. You’ll find them all in this book.

Present Through The End. A Caring Companion’s Guide To Accompanying The Dying by Kirsten DeLeo. Order you copy now and get 30% off at, code: PTE30.

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